How to Delete Normal & Pre-Installed Apps on Samsung TV: 2024 Guide

- Deleting user-installed apps is straightforward: Navigate to Apps > Settings > Select the app > Delete.
- To delete Samsung pre-installed apps: Go to Apps > Enable Developer Mode > Settings (in the Apps) > Lock the app you want to delete (enter the code 0000 to lock) > Deep Link Test > Skip the password window > Delete.
- To remove the Samsung TV Plus app: Go to Home > Highlight Samsung TV Plus app > Down Arrow (↓) > Remove > Choose Remove or Disable.
You’ve been trying out some apps on your new Samsung TV and have, regretfully, decided you dislike several of them and don’t use many of the pre-installed apps that are consuming a lot of storage space.
You know how to get new apps, but how can you uninstall them?
Is there a way to delete pre-installed apps on your Samsung TV, including the Samsung TV Plus app?
Keep reading to find out!
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How to Remove Samsung TV Apps?
Follow the directions below to delete installed apps on your Samsung TV.
Please note that deleting apps will also erase all of their data, including their login information. You can always re-install them later, though you will have to re-insert all of your personal data and log back into your account.
Step 1: Find and press your remote’s Home button to navigate to the Home screen.
Step 2: Then, use the remote’s D-pad and Ok buttons to navigate to and select Apps.
Step 3: Click on the Settings menu (marked with a gear icon) in the top right corner of the screen.
Step 4: Click on the app you’d like to remove to reveal the options menu. Then, select Delete. When prompted, click on Delete once more to confirm your choice.
The steps listed above will work for apps you’ve installed yourself, but will not work with recommended apps. Instead of deleting recommended apps, you will only be able to remove them from the Home screen.
How to Remove Recommended Samsung TV Apps from the Home Screen?
Recommended apps can only be removed from the Home screen, not deleted.
Removing them from the Home screen is a good way to clear up some extra screen space, so you can clearly see the apps you regularly use without scrolling.
You cannot complete this process for recommended apps that you actually use. Instead, you can only remove recommended apps you’ve never used from the Home screen.
Let’s learn how to remove recommended apps from your Samsung TV’s Home screen.
Step 1: Head to the Home screen. Then find and highlight the recommended app you want to remove.
Step 2: Once the app is highlighted, press and hold your remote’s Select button or press the Down button on your remote control to open the pop-up options menu.
Step 3: Click on Remove in this menu.
Step 4: Then, click Remove again to remove the app. Alternatively, you can select Move from the options menu, to arrange the app in the Home Menu on your TV.
Can I Remove Samsung TV Pre-Installed Apps?
Yes, you can remove pre-installed apps from your Samsung TV.
Samsung smart TVs come with several pre-installed apps that consume significant storage space. While some users are thankful that Samsung has spared them the trouble of installing these apps themselves, others prefer to remove them altogether.
This process required you to enable developer mode by inserting a code into your remote
Don’t worry. Using developer mode is completely safe to use and won’t harm your TV.
While this process may sound advanced, it’s fairly simple to do and will only take a few minutes.
Let’s learn how!
Step 1: Navigate to the Home screen by clicking your remote’s Home button.
Step 2: Head to Apps.
Step 3: On your remote, press the Number button, marked by the numbers 1 2 3, to reveal the on-screen remote.
Step 4: Using the on-screen remote, type in 12345. This is the secret code that allows you to unlock the developer mode options.
Step 5: Once you’ve typed in the code, you will see a Developer mode menu appear on-screen. In this menu, toggle Developer mode on. To save your changes and enable developer mode, select OK.
Step 6: In the Information pop-up confirming that “Develop Mode is On status,” select Close to exit out of the menu.
Step 7: Then, head to the Settings menu, found in the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 8: Navigate to the Apps settings page, and find and select the pre-installed app you’d like to remove.
Step 9: In the menu, click on the Lock/Unlock option to lock the app.
Step 10: To complete the locking process type 0000 (which is the default password) when asked for a PIN.
Step 11: You’ll know the app has been successfully locked with there’s a small lock icon on the app’s banner image.
Step 12: Next, head to Deep Link Test.
Step 13: Once the pop-up menu is displayed on-screen, click on Content id and type anything you’d like into the text box. What you type will not affect the outcome. Then, click on Done to close the window.
Step 14: Another window will appear requesting a password. However, we found that it’s unnecessary to enter a password to complete this step, so instead, just click the Cancel option.
Step 15: Once you’ve exited out of the password window, re-select the app. You should now see a Delete option on-screen. Select it to finally delete the pre-installed app.
If you don’t see the delete option, try restarting your Samsung TV to refresh the settings. You may need to restart your TV several times for this option to appear.
Step 16: Congratulations! You’ve successfully deleted a pre-installed app. To delete any more pre-installed apps on your Samsung TV, repeat Steps 8 to 15 and remember to restart your TV if the delete option is still unavailable.
Watch the video below demonstrating how to remove pre-installed apps on your Samsung smart TV.
Can You Remove the Samsung TV Plus App?
Follow the steps below to remove the Samsung TV Plus app from your Samsung smart TV.
The Samsung TV Plus app comes pre-installed on most Samsung smart TVs and offers countless free movies and TV shows. However, many users find their selection to be lacking and would rather opt out of these services altogether.
Although the Samsung TV Plus app is pre-installed, it can be removed using your TV’s settings, as opposed to enabling developer mode.
You can always re-enable this app later if desired.
Step 1: On your Home screen, head to and highlight the Samsung TV Plus app.
Step 2: Then, press your remote’s Down Arrow (↓) to reveal two options: Move and Remove.
Step 3: From these options, select Remove. Then, you will see another menu asking you if you’d like to Remove the app icon or Disable the service.
Step 4: Click on Disable to remove the service from your TV’s launch bar and delete the app’s channels from the TV Guide.
Watch the video below on how to remove the Samsung TV Plus app
How to Re-Enable Samsung TV Plus
Adding the Samsung TV Plus app back to your TV couldn’t be easier and only takes a few seconds.
Please bear in mind that some personal information, like your viewing history, will have been deleted when you disabled the app.
Follow the steps below to re-enable Samsung TV Plus.
Step 1: On your Home screen, go to Sources.
Step 2: Head to Samsung TV Plus.
Step 3: Press your TV remote’s Up Arrow (↑) button.
Step 4: From the pop-up menu, select Add to Home.
Now you will be able to access the Samsung TV Plus app from your TV’s home screen.
Wrapping Things Up
When first trying out your new Samsung TV, you’re bound to install apps you later discover you dislike. Additionally, there may be several unused pre-installed apps, including Samsung TV Plus, that are consuming storage space.
While it only takes a moment to remove installed apps and the Samsung TV Plus app, removing other pre-installed apps is a little bit more complex since you’ll need to enable developer mode.
However, with a little patience, you too can customize your Samsung smart TV’s home screen to your preferences and clear up storage in the process. Remember, enabling developer mode will not damage your TV, so there’s no harm in enabling it.
What’s your experience removing Samsung TV apps?
Let us know in the comments below!
Yesenia Achlim is a technical copywriter and editor with a focus on AV equipment. She aims to break down complicated topics and make technology accessible, no matter your technical expertise. When she’s not teaching you how to replace a projector lamp, you can find her reading and baking.
This was very helpful. I like the quality of Samsung TV’s but hate the bloatware. Their TVPlus is redundant since you can get all those channels from free streaming apps that have other content I prefer to watch.