Why Is My TV Echoing? 9 Fixes for the Echo Sound

- To prevent echoing, either mute your TV when using external speakers, lower the volume if it’s too high, and ensure all audio cables are securely connected.
- Adjust the sound field settings on your TV, reset the surround sound cable box, and turn off Sound Feedback, especially on Samsung TVs, to eliminate echo.
- Reset the connection to external speakers, inspect and possibly replace old speakers, and consider buying a new TV if the built-in speakers are deteriorating.
Echoing TV sound can be a real buzzkill when you’re settling in for your favorite show.
This guide will dive into easy fixes, ensuring your next TV session is echo-free and enjoyable.
Quick Navigation
- 1. The TV’s Sound and Surround Sound are Both On
- 2. The Volume is Too High
- 3. Your Cables are Loose
- 4. You Need to Adjust the Sound Field
- 5. The TV Surround Sound Cable Box Needs to be Reset
- 6. The Sound Feedback is Turned On
- 7. The Speaker Connection Needs to be Reset
- 8. Your Speakers are Old
- 9. Your TV is Dying
1. The TV’s Sound and Surround Sound are Both On
If your TV is hooked up to external speakers, they both may be turned on and emitting sound, creating an echo effect.
If you want to continue playing sound through external speakers, you’ll need to mute your TV.
Click the Mute button on your TV’s remote and see if the TV is still echoing.
Alternatively, you can disconnect your external speakers from your TV if you’d like to play audio through your TV’s built-in speakers.
2. The Volume is Too High
Your TV’s volume may be too high, causing the audio to echo and become distorted.
Try turning the volume down and see if that resolves the problem.
If the echo continues once the volume has been turned down, there may be something wrong with your speakers.
Consider having your speakers serviced or replacing them.
3. Your Cables are Loose
Speakers must be firmly attached to the correct audio out ports. If you’re using RCA cables, make sure they’re connected to the appropriately colored ports (red to red, white to white, etc).
If your TV has a coaxial port, ensure the coaxial cable is snuggly screwed in place.
Have your TV playing audio while adjusting the cables and observe any difference in sound.
If your chords have been pulled, bent, or even possibly chewed by any pets, try replacing them.
If your input source is connected to your TV via an HDMI cable, make sure it’s correctly and securely placed in both the source device and TV. If your HDMI cable has been through some wear and tear, try replacing it with a new one, like this one.
- IN THE BOX: (1) 3-foot 8K 48Gbps HDMI cable for transmitting video and audio signals from source to...
- DEVICE COMPATIBLE: Connects tablets, laptops, and other host devices to projectors, video conference...
- SUPPORTS 4K VIDEO & MORE: Supports Ethernet, 3D, 8K@60Hz or 4K@120Hz video, and Audio Return Channel...
Last update on 2025-02-08 / Paid Link.
If you’re connecting your speakers to your TV for the first time and could use some guidance, check out the video below.
4. You Need to Adjust the Sound Field
A TV’s sound field changes the surround sound depending on which speakers you’re using (the TV’s built-in speakers, external sound system, headphones, etc).
Play something with sound on your TV and click your remote’s Sound Field button until the echo has dissipated.
This may take some experimenting, so listen closely to each sound field option to see what sounds best.
If none of the sound field options eliminate the echo, don’t worry. Move on to the next suggestions.
5. The TV Surround Sound Cable Box Needs to be Reset
Your surround sound cable box may need to be reset.
Unplug the cable box’s surge protector and leave it unplugged for two minutes or more before plugging it back in.
Once reset, turn on your TV and play something to see if the audio issues have been resolved.
6. The Sound Feedback is Turned On
Your TV’s sound feedback could be causing the audio to echo.
While sound feedback may enhance your TV’s sound at times, it can become a nuisance if it doesn’t match the content you’re watching. This problem is particularly common in Samsung TVs.
To turn it off, go to your TV’s Menu. Open the Settings, then General. Go to Sound Feedback and toggle it off, check the results.
You can always turn it back on if you feel like certain content’s audio is missing something.
7. The Speaker Connection Needs to be Reset
Try resetting your TV’s connection to its external speakers.
Unplug the speakers, before opening your TV’s Settings. Go to Sound, then to Speaker.
Change the speaker’s input from Audio System to TV Speaker.
Plug your speakers back in then change the input back to Audio System.
Listen closely to see if the echo has dissipated.
Watch the video below to see how to reset your TV’s speaker connection.
8. Your Speakers are Old
Old speakers and subwoofers tend to emit a lower quality sound, which can become fuzzy and create an echo effect.
Check your speakers and subwoofer’s hardware to see if the cables, surround cone, dust dome, or gasket are beginning to degrade.
It might also be a good idea to take your speakers to be professionally serviced to find out if anything is wrong internally.
If you do see that the cables are worn, they’re easy to replace, just make sure you purchase the correct ones!
Always consult your speakers’ warranty to see if it will cover repairs or replacements.
9. Your TV is Dying
If your TV’s built-in speakers just aren’t sounding like they used to and you’ve tried all the above solutions, it may be time to go TV shopping.
TVs don’t last forever and fading speakers are a strong indicator that something has gone wrong internally.
Additionally, paying to have these problems fixed by a TV technician can be pricey and will only buy you a little extra time before you eventually have to purchase a replacement.
If your TV’s ports, such as the audio ports, aren’t working and you’re struggling to connect your speakers, your TV may be a dying cause.
To learn more about the symptoms of a dying TV, check out our article Signs Your TV is Dying.
Yesenia Achlim is a technical copywriter and editor with a focus on AV equipment. She aims to break down complicated topics and make technology accessible, no matter your technical expertise. When she’s not teaching you how to replace a projector lamp, you can find her reading and baking.