Can You Put a TV Under an Air Conditioner? What to Consider

Can You Put a TV Under an Air Conditioner? What to Consider

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What To Know

  • Placing a TV under an AC unit is not recommended due to potential damage from cold air and moisture, which can lead to internal damage and attract insects.
  • Direct exposure to air conditioning can harm electronics by causing humidity-related malfunctions and power issues.
  • Other risks to TVs include damage from lightning strikes, screen burn-in from static images, harm from using harsh cleaning chemicals, and potential fall damage from incorrect wall mounting.

In this article, We’ll explore whether it’s safe to install a TV under an air conditioner or heat pump, addressing concerns about potential damage from cold air and other factors.

Let’s dive in!

Is It OK To Put My TV Under an AC?

It’s a bad idea to install a TV under an AC unit.

Installing your TV directly beneath an AC unit is a bad idea.

AC units release two things that can damage a TV, extreme cold and moisture.

The constant supply of cold air could seep into the TV’s internal hardware via its vents, damaging it. Although you may think this would help prevent the TV from overheating, it will only offset the TV’s internal temperature.

More importantly, air conditioners tend to leak and the air released contains water vapor.

This moisture could severely damage your TV, even damaging it beyond repair.

The water vapor could accumulate inside the TV, creating signs of water damage, like screen irregularities.

TV manufacturers also recommend keeping your TV away from the AC since a leaking unit can dampen the wall. This moisture entices small insects, such as ants.

Although you probably never thought it was possible for your TV to become infested with ants, it does happen, and it’s more common than you think.

Ants out of my TV!

This damage will happen over time, which means you probably won’t notice it until it’s too late.

Is AC Bad for Electronics?

Yes, AC is bad for electronics.

Although having your laptop, phone, tablet, or TV in an air-conditioned room won’t damage them, you should never place your electronics directly beneath an AC unit or on top of vents.

If there’s one thing electronics cannot stand, it’s humidity.

air conditioner in a room

Since the cool breeze released from air conditioning units is very humid it could seep into any electronic device, causing it to lag, its buttons or touchpad to become unresponsive, or suddenly power off unexpectedly.

If you’re unlucky, your device could shut down and never power on again!

If you also use your AC unit for heating during the winter, the hot air could also damage your device, causing it to overheat or malfunction.

So, if you’re deciding where to set up your desk or mount your TV, make sure it’s not under the AC unit!

What Can Damage Your New TV?

A few different things can damage your new TV.

Besides extreme temperatures and humidity, other things can quickly damage your new TV.

Let’s learn what can damage a TV and how to avoid them.

Lightning/Electric Shock

Lightning storms near your home could damage any electronics plugged into wall sockets, including your TV.

The lightning bolt could deliver a high volt of electricity to your TV, burning the TV’s internal hardware.

lightning storm

Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this and you may need to replace your TV.

Contrary to what you may have heard, surge protectors will not prevent lightning damage.

So, your best bet is to unplug your TV and any other accessories if you know a lightning storm is approaching. Do not touch the power outlet during a storm, or you risk electrocuting yourself.

Wait at least an hour after the storm has passed before plugging your TV back in.

Leaving It Paused On One Picture For a Long Period

Leaving a static image on your TV screen for an extended period can cause burn-in.

The term burn-in describes when an image is “burned into” or stuck on the screen. So, even if you play something else you’ll still see a shadow of whatever you were watching before.

This happens most when you have a high-contrast image on-screen or if you are watching something with a thick, black frame.

To prevent burn-in, avoid keeping your TV turned on or paused for more than two hours.

If you do want to pause what you’re watching and plan on stepping away from the screen for a while, consider turning your TV off.

You can also try changing the picture size and/or aspect ratio to avoid keeping the same black frame on-screen for several hours.

Cleaning the Screen with Harsh Chemicals

Are you a disinfectant wipe fan? While those wipes may be good for your bathrooms and door handles, you should keep them far away from your TV.

Harsh chemicals can destroy your TV screen’s film, making it appear blotchy and uneven.

a woman uses water bottle spray to clean a TV

Though cleaning your TV screen with harsh chemicals won’t irreversibly destroy it, regularly using cleaning products like Clorox wipes or Windex will damage it.

To learn more about the do’s and don’ts of cleaning a TV screen, check out our article: Can You Use Clorox Wipes on TV Screens?

Incorrectly Mounting it to the Wall

Have you heard of TVs randomly falling off the wall? It happens!

Incorrectly mounting your TV to the wall could cause it to fall off its mounting plate, possibly shattering. This is especially common if you live in a particularly earthquake-ridden region.

a black TV mounted on the wall

The worst part? Your TV warranty will not cover any of the damages mentioned above. That means you’ll be paying for any TV repairs or replacements out-of-pocket!

Wrapping Things Up

Even the sturdiest TVs can succumb to temperature or humidity damage.

You may love the feeling of sitting directly under air conditioning, but your TV prefers to keep its distance.

You should also be wary of your TV breaking from electric shock, burn-in, harsh chemicals, or falling off the TV mount.

New TVs don’t come cheap, so make sure to keep yours safe to avoid another trip to the electronics store.

What’s your experience installing a TV under an AC unit? Has your TV ever broken from any of the above-mentioned causes?

Let us know in the comments below!

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